Hello, from the other side …

Morgane Dalbergue
5 min readJul 9, 2021


Hello, it’s me, I was wondering if after all these years …”

Long time no read right?

The last time I wrote an article, I was still a Talent Sourcer at Heetch and 2020 had yet to happen. Funnily enough, my last (English) piece was about remote work, and I had no idea it would be so relevant some months later …

But anyway here I am!

Quick catch up for those of you who follow me, and for those who just joined.

Hi, my name is Morgane and I’m a Talent Sourcer 🖖🏻
In short, I find and engage with people in order to recruit them, for specifics roles within the companies I work with. To ease your experience, and because this is not quite the point of this article, here comes a chronological evolution of my career :

  • September 2017 — I joined Edgar People (sourcing for non-tech positions)
  • September 2018 — I joined my first startup (and the tech side of the force)
  • March 2019 — I joined Agorize (back to the non-tech side of the force)
  • July 2019 — I joined Heetch (returning to sourcing for tech people)
  • March 2020 — I joined a consulting company (a week before the global pandemic known as COVID-19)
  • October 2020 — I joined another startup (still in tech, because at least something had to stay constant right?)

Now, we’re a few months into 2021 (finally) and I can add another company to the list, only this one is here to stay.

Since May 2021, I have been working at The Allyance.

It is indeed!

Now, let me give you some context, because this has been a long time coming.

It all goes back to 2018, when I was still at Edgar People. I was already pretty active on Twitter, sharing my tips, tricks and rex about sourcing, and I’d been invited to a few keys events already.

This is important because Twitter is where I first got spotted by Caroline Chavier, who was then a R&D recruiter at Criteo. I vaguely remember commenting on a tweet from someone at Criteo and a few minutes later, Caroline smoothly slid into my DMs.

That, my friends, was the beginning of our love story (queue the Taylor Swift song) 💙

First, she tried to recruit me for Criteo 👀
I didn’t bite, but I do remember having loved every minute of the candidate experience, smooth, clean and very nurturing.
Then, she moved from Criteo to a mobile video-games startup that had just raised millions, and she contacted me again. This time, I bit and I joined in september 2018.

I worked with her again at Agorize, in 2019, but they didn’t need a sourcer so I moved onto Heetch and then on (and on and on …) but we kept in touch.

Flash-forward to today.

(What a ride, right?)

Caroline founded her company, The Allyance, about a year ago.
I’ve been following her entrepreneurship experience from the very beginning and needless to say, she has done amazingly well for herself. It’s a resounding success!

So when I found myself wondering about my next adventure, after my latest experience, she reached out and offered a chance for us to work together again.

I’ll let you have one guess as to what my answer was (I mean, this IS the point of this article, after all …).


So, in May 2021, I started working for The Allyance (and now we’re back on track) 😎

The Allyance is your ally and your partner in all things Diversity, Inclusion (D&I) and Recruitment.

It’s articulated around three offers :

  • Recruitment (of tech profiles, from sourcing to first qualification)
  • Audit & Training (on D&I, unconscious biais, sourcing, recruitment …)
  • Coaching (helping candidates to land their dream jobs)

The Allyance also creates and provides carefully curated contents through its newsletter, its blog and all the usual suspects : Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram

Me when I receive the newsletter

So what do I do, at The Allyance?

My main role is to source. So far, so good right? 💙

We work with a great panel of clients, on roles that range from Fullstack Engineers to Data Engineers, with some rarities like ML specialists or very high-stakes C-Level positions.

I also help by creating (how meta of me, right? 😈) and sharing content, suggesting ideas for new topics and formats, and promoting The Allyance whenever and wherever I can.

Caroline is also training me so I can handle coaching sessions on my own.
She’s helping me develop a professional approach in order to better help people prepare for their job-seeking experience until they are ready to land their dream-job!

So wether it’s through sourcing or through coaching, I aim for this reaction :

That’s the dream at last

It’s been two months already, and the thing is : it both feels as if I joined yesterday and as if I’d been there for years.

I feel at home and in my element, like a fish in the water.

  • I’m sourcing 💙
  • I work with Caroline, and a panel of incredible clients 💚
  • It’s all Tech, with a hint of Product from time to time 💜
  • It’s focused on Diversity & Inclusion 💛
  • I have access to great tools (shout out to Amazing Hiring) ❤️

But mostly, I feel like what I do with Caroline has a real impact: first on recruitment (as a whole) and on the world. As the saying goes, small streams make big rivers!

We’re changing the game, one recruitment/audit/training/coaching session at the time.

So yes, here’s a name that’s going to stay on my resume for a long, long while:


You can say hi to Caroline on Twitter or LinkedIn but as for me, I’m either here or on Twitter.



Morgane Dalbergue

Talent Acquisition Sourcer — Professional Stalker & Sourcing Addict — “To define is to limit” O. Wilde